PROCEDURES Colon resections

What is a colon resection?

A colectomy is a surgical procedure that removes all or part of your colon. Part of your large intestine, your colon is a long tubelike organ at the end of your digestive tract. A colectomy may be performed to treat or prevent conditions or diseases that affect your colon, such as colon cancer.

There are several types of colectomy procedures:

  • A Total colectomy is when the entire colon is removed.
  • A Partial colectomy is when a part of the colon is removed and may also be called subtotal colectomy.
  • A Hemicolectomy is when either the right or left portion of the colon is removed.
  • A Proctocolectomy is when both the colon and rectum are removed.
  • A Colectomy Surgery usually requires other procedures to reattach the remaining portions of your digestive system and allow waste to leave your body.

What to expect

To prepare for your colon surgery, you will likely need to

  • Stop taking certain medications. Specific medications can increase your risk of complications during your procedure, so please let us know which medicines you take.
  • Fasting before your surgery. Your surgical team will likely ask to stop eating and drinking for several hours before your procedure.
  • Bowel Prep. Your doctor may prescribe a laxative solution for you to drink at home. The solution causes your bowels to loosen to help empty your colon. 
  • Antibiotics. In some cases, your surgical team may prescribe antibiotics to suppress the bacteria naturally found in your colon to prevent possible infection.

Preparing for a colectomy isn't always possible. For example, if you need an emergency colectomy due to bowel obstruction or perforation, there may not be time to prepare adequately.

Depending on your situation, you'll spend at least a few days in the hospital after your colectomy. After that, make arrangements for someone to take care of your responsibilities at home and work.

Try to think ahead about what you might like to have with you while you are recovering in the hospital. Some things you might want to pack include:

  • A comfortable robe and slippers.
  • Toiletries, such as your toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Comfortable clothes to wear on the way home.
  • A book, magazine or games to pass the time.