PROCEDURES Hernia Repair

What is Hernia Repair?

Herniorrhaphy, also known as a Hernia Repair, is a surgical procedure to fix a hernia.

A hernia is when a portion of a body part or internal organ protrudes into an area where it should not be. Most hernias occur in the abdominal area when a piece of fat or a small portion of the intestine pokes through a weaker area in the muscular wall of the abdomen. This causes an irregular bulge under the skin of the stomach, near the groin or navel.

What to expect

Please let us know whether you’re taking any medications, as you may need to stop taking some before the procedure. Please also let us know if you are pregnant or have any possible bleeding disorders or medical conditions.

Please stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, clopidogrel, warfarin, and other blood thinners one week before your surgery. Please also try to stop smoking before your procedure to help speed up your recovery. Your medical team may prescribe medication for you to take before the procedure.

Your team may need blood samples to be collected before your procedure, but we will let you know if this is necessary and schedule it accordingly.

Please do not eat or drink anything from midnight before your procedure.